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Duckie Land

Duckie Land

PT. Duckie Multi Meta
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Duckie Land is a play-to-earn blockchain metaverse where players can own NFTs called Duckies and earn MMETA tokens on the Binance Smart Chain network. Duckie Land is inspired by the love of every duck meme, duck emoji, duck character, and everything about ducks. The game metaverse is available on PC and mobile platforms, as well as in VR.


Duckie Land features people who participate in the NFT world and earn reward tokens through skillful gameplay and contributions to the ecosystem. Players can collect, breed, buy, and sell the NFT Duckies using tokens MMETA and WAFER.

Players can participate in four different game modes; adventure, battle arena, battle royale, and football.In the PvE adventure mode, players automatically match and duel against monsters that are featured on every level stage. The goal is for players to defeat the monsters to get token rewards. Players can play up to 160 levels that increase in difficulty as they progress. In the PvP battle arena, which is similar to the adventure mode, instead of matching and dueling against monsters, players will match and duel against other players. The battle royale mode, on the other hand, brings together four players to fight each other. Lastly, the football mode requires players to challenge each other and score goals in order to win matches. Players can choose between two game modes: single player against the computer, or against other players.

Duckie Land allows players to play and interact directly with other players in real-time. Players can talk and socialize in chat rooms and add each other as friends. Players can explore Duckie Land’s three different environments. Harvest Valley is a farm village where players can grow crops and sell their crops at the small kiosk in front of their farm in order to earn tokens. Central Park is a modern area where players can sell food and goods to other players. Players can buy food to increase the energy of their avatar, as well as buy goods such as hats and other cosmetic accessories. The last area, Little Osaka, is inspired by Japan. On this land, players can explore and experience Japanese culture.

Token Information

MMETA (Multi Metaverse Token) is the governance token for the Duckie Land community. In the game, players can utilize this token as payment to buy and sell Duckies; to buy items for their Duckie; and as the breeding cost when players want to breed their Duckie. 

WAFER (Wonderful Amazing Fantastic Excellent Reward) is a reward token that the developer provides for players when they complete daily quests and win battles. Players can get more WAFER by actively increasing their participation in the game. The players can use WAFER to evolve their Duckie skill, buy more energy.

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Seed Sale


Private Sale


Strategic Sale (KOLs) 1


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Liquidity Pool Reward





IDO (TrustPad)19-19 Feb 2022$0.50$200,000400,00020% unlocked at TGE, then unlocked monthly for 4 months100,000,000Market cap: 250,000$50,000,000
IDO (Starter)18-18 Feb 2022$0.50$100,000200,85420% unlocked at TGE, then unlocked monthly for 4 months

Circulating Supply
IDO (BinStarter)17 Dec 2021 - 18 Jan 2022$0.50$200,000400,00025% at TGE, 18.75% vesting every month throughout 4 months

Private Sale-

9,000,00010% unlocked at TGE+1 day, then unlocked daily for 10 months


1,000,00010% unlocked at TGE+2 day, then unlocked daily for 10 months


3,000,0005% unlocked at TGE+1 week, then unlocked daily for 10 months


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